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Writer's pictureAdam G.

We asked a millionaire all the questions you need answers to. The answers will blow you away.

Ever wondered what it's like to be a millionaire? We got in touch with a man with a net worth exceeding $4 Million. He founded an Amazon FBA business and sold it in the 7 figures. This sale happened 2 years ago. As you could imagine, his life has drastically changed since then. We've all wondered one time or another what it would be like to be a millionaire, today you'll learn. We asked all the questions you need answers to and yes, there were some big surprises.

Q. 1) When you first saw your bank account with six zero's did it feel as good as you thought it would?

A. 1) "It was amazing, I felt super grateful and I'm not going to lie, I might have yelled hallelujah! I will say though, the feeling was amazing for about a month and then I stopped really thinking about it, it just became my new normal life"

Q. 2) Do people treat you differently?

A. 2) "My friends want to hang out a lot more. People I was acquaintances with are in much greater contact with me. People that know about my acquisition are much nicer, almost like they expect me to give them something."

Q. 3) Have you given any money away? Donated to any foundations?

A. 3) "This acquisition has been able to allow me to support my family financially for sure. When eating out, those who go above and beyond that I feel deserve it, I tip very graciously. I also do random acts of kindness here and there. It feels good to give back."

Q. 4) What have you splurged on since your big payout?

A. 4) "I went straight out and bought a Porsche Targa. I've wanted one for a long time. I'm usually pretty good at avoiding the finer things, but I couldn't wait any longer. Oh, and I also bought a Rolex Submariner. I don't regret either."

Q. 5) How has this impacted your life most?

A. 5) "I'm able to kind of breach into a different lifestyle. The restaurants I go to are nicer, the places I vacation are nicer, the hotels I stay in are nicer. And in turn I've been able to meet people of higher success which has provided much more opportunity for me. A guy struck up a conversation with me at a cafe about my Porsche, come to find out he was the Vice President of a very successful social media marketing company, we're in contact currently about a business opportunity. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't have the Porsche and he didn't see my success through that."

Q. 6) Any big money moves you have planned in the future?

A. 6) "I'll be making more investments and stepping up my real estate portfolio. The game now is to create real long lasting wealth that will create a legacy. I want to take time to work on things I want to, not what others want me to."

Q. 7) Any advice for those looking for great success?

A. 7) "Work hard. Work harder than everyone else. If you say you're going to do something, do it, and with great intention. Take every opportunity you have presented to you. There was a study done, people on their deathbeds were asked what they regretted most in life. Their answers were almost never something that they did, but something they didn't do. So on that grim note, do everything you can, and do it to 100%."


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