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Writer's pictureAdam G.

What single stock to invest in during the coronavirus

The coronavirus has created a lot of turmoil in the market since its beginning. this virus has disrupted almost every business in the world in one way or another. If you've invested in an IRA or 401K and thought you were safe you're wrong. The market has crashed down as low as 35%. This is absolutely earth shattering for some people hoping to retire or needing to use their investment money to live during these trying times. Instead of focusing on the doom and gloom I want to focus on how you can make more money during this time by investing in one particular stock. I'll explain how and why.

First of all, to invest I use the app Robinhood (use this link to get 1 free stock Wirth $1-200) upon signing up). Robinhood is the easiest most intuitive app to buy stocks. You simply download the app, input some of your information, and bingo you're ready to invest. You don't need to wait a 5 day period you can put $0-1,000 into the market instantly. It's so easy, just sign up, pick what stick you want to buy and how many shares. Then you can watch the money roll in (If you choose the right stock). I'm going to help with this now.

My #1 stock pick right now is GE. General Electric has been incorporated since 1892. They have proven over time to flow up and down with the market. Right now, the stock is as low as it's been since 1992. In this graph you can see the trends. The only real big dips are the .com boom crash, the recession of 2008 and now. This company has been around a long time and has held true to it's values and always bounced back from tough times. Although these stocks always bounce back, let me explain why this one is unique to our current situation.

As of today, GE is down 50% from its average. Which means you can buy it at a 50% discount. Although naturally we can bet on GE going up in the coming years, there's more to this one. May people don't know that GE makes its primary income from producing airplane engines. Yes, I know, who would've thought, but it's true. Right now GE is not exactly selling many engines because planes aren't flying near the capacity they were. But, when the government restrictions get lifted and the bottleneck of our travel industry opens up it's going to be like the unkinking of a hose. Millions of people are going to need to travel for work, family, and leisure reasons. They will be dying to get out and see some change. This will create a gigantic boom in needs fro GE thus catapulting them into the black. Another side note on this one, GE has stepped up and started using some of its factories to produce ventilators. In these trying times they are stepping up for the greater good to help our world stay healthy and safe. This proves the values of this company and why they have my vote.

GE will bounce back. Those who choose to take advantage of this time will bounce back as well. As Warren Buffet says "When others are greedy, be fearful. When others are fearful, be greedy". Riches are made out of markets like these. ''D-'' players can make money in a good market, everyone's making money in a good market. It takes a true "A+" player to make money in a bad market and when this bad market turns good again you will be at the pinnacle.

Happy investing! As always, please contact our team at Confident Capital if you need any help navigating this crazy financial world. We are here to help.


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